
Moi - by Holly

Je m'appelle Holly. J'ai dix ans. Je suis de taille moyenne et je suis tres mince.
J'ai les cheveux longs et chatains. J'ai les yeux noisette et les oreilles percees.


Jeff Maguire said...

Bonjour Holly

I was part of the group who came to visit your school on Tuesday to learn more about the Passeport Santé project. We were all very impressed by how well you all speak and write French. Merci encore for hosting our visit and showing us how the project works and what you have been doing - keep up the good work!

A bientot.


I.Nuyts said...

Bonjour Holly,
I was a french teacher who told your about music and song on Tuesday 2d. I was very impessed by your computer using and your work.
Félicitations, et tous mes encouragements pour la suite de ton travail, merci encore,

Jacques MARCHAL said...

Bonjour Holly,

Je suis Jacques MARCHAL;je suis de NANCY en FRANCE. J'ai visité ton école la semaine dernière.
Merci pour la présentation de ton blog !
Félicitations pour la qualité de ton travail !
A bientôt,

collège dieulouard said...

Hello I am dylan and alexis they are strong,they are french,I love football and tennis and handball, they are eleven years old.
Welcome to the dieulouard site.